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Giant Cottonwood Tree Specs

John Sullivan

Updated: Jan 31, 2024

Our own impressive cottonwood measured. | Source: Friends of the Marsh Facebook

Well, we all walked by this tree hundreds if not thousands of times in 30 years. I’ve always wondered about its measurements and how it compares to other “champion” trees in Wisconsin. It is likely someone has already submitted this tree to the WDNR’s Champion Tree Program, but I did it anyway to see how it compares with previous measurements or previous trees in the state. Here are my measurements:

Height = 92 ft

Crown Spread = 104.5 ft

Circumference = 310.2 in or 28.2 ft

Wis Champion Tree Point = Cir in. + Height ft + (Spread ft x 0.25) = 428.325

I submitted the information to the WDNR to see how it ranks with other eastern cottonwood trees in the state.

Based on an estimated diameter of 99 in and a growth factor of 2, its age is estimated to be 198 years old. This is before the source of the Mississippi River was “discovered” by Henry Schoolcraft.

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